
Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

Bringing ancient mysteries to a modern meaning. Learn the forbidden wisdom of the Gnostics and discover how Gnosticism can lead you to your true self.
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May 29, 2017

Carl Jung held unique views on UFOs, some recently discovered ones shocking for modern Jungians. We study these views on Extraterrestrials, as well as some thought-provoking interpretations that extend to Jung’s ideas on archetypes, altered states, the ego, death, and the Red Book. Our guest relates his own remarkable experiences and journeys that include his meetings with esoteric luminaries like Jiddu Krishnamurti, Timothy Leary, and others. He shares some astounding and penetrating revelations on such topics as facing the Void, Abraxas, occult, mythology, the Guardian of the Threshold, and much more— in the end granting powerful tools for those seeking to contact with higher realities.

Astral Guest — David Curtis, author of The Luminary is Coming and Abraxas: A Mandala of Symbols

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May 21, 2017

The membership and impact of Freemasonry seem to dwindle. An overlooked form of Freemasonry might be the answer to those seeking an experience over networking, introspection over materialism. This Freemasonry allows women into its ranks and fully embraces the mystic sensibilities of old secret societies and the mystery religions. We understand the mostly untold story of these liberal Freemasons, Le Droit Humain, from their origins in the 19th century to their modern tenets that draw from the wisdom of Hermeticism. We also delve into Freemasonry proper, exploring its origins, influences, and vast symbolism — from the Knights Templar to Theosophy, from King Solomon to Rosicrucianism, finally addressing the issue of its influence on Western Society and the many new world orders that seek to enslave humanity.

Astral Guest — Darren Lorente Bull, co-author of More Light (with Julian Rees)


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May 11, 2017

A new book presents the most compelling new findings in the Christ-Myth theory and critically examines its controversial reception by biblical scholars; the extent and reliability of our sources for Jesus; and reveals the surprising history behind Jesus’ evolution. Moreover, we take a historical voyage upon the various streams that united to form Christianity, from the Jewish desire of a spiritual Messiah under the yoke of the Greeks, to the Mystery Religions of Roman times that provided a template for a Cosmic Christ – and everything in between. Our guest also weighs in on the Buzzed Belief debate between Bart Ehrman and Robert Price, as well as the problems with Mythicism today.

Astral Guest — David Fitzgerald, author of Jesus: Mything in Action, Vol. I


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May 3, 2017

A unique book has just been published, endorsed by such lauded Gnostic experts as Elaine Pagels, Robert Price, and Lance Owens. It is both a heart-wrenching biography and a penetrating exposition on Gnosticism, full of orthodox deconstruction and dark parody. It is also a Jungian treatise on the nature of fallen men and fallen gods, brimming with the lore of ancient alchemists. In other words, it’s a new Gnostic Gospel. This work focuses on an often-overlooked cornerstone of Gnostic thought: the timeless love story of Christ and Sophia. From the elegant Valentinian myths to the romance of the Red King and White Queen manifesting in tales across the eons — we find how this transcendental story revealed itself in the life of a man and his struggle with family loss; and how it may reveal itself in your life in times when wholeness is the only answer to tragedy.

Astral Guest — Fady Riad, author of The Gospel of Lie: A Grieving Christian Searches the Bible for a New Jesus

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Apr 25, 2017

The Abrahamic faiths are on a collision course. Churches are empty across the Western World. Christianity has become a mile long but an inch thin, faltering under a fast-changing society of science, reason, and logic. Is this the beginning of the end for the world’s largest religion, or can the old approach of the Gnostics transform its tenets into a liberating force of body, mind, and spirit for the 21st Century human? And perhaps this transformation might influence the other Abrahamic faiths before we are plunged into another World War/Crusade.

Astral Guest— Tom Harpur, author of Water Into Wine: An Empowering Vision of the Gospels

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Apr 17, 2017

The grand religious stories that gave meaning to life and death in the past have crumbled under skeptical scrutiny. The dominant mainstream philosophy is now scientific objectivism, which describes a universe that exists for no reason and a life that ends in oblivion. We address the “soul crisis” in modern culture that has arisen from lack of meaning – offering an intelligent “spiritual” perspective on life and death to help us make sense of a paradoxical world, which is sometimes bleak and banal, but also can be magical and full of significance. Our guest also presents a revolutionary paradigm shift in our understanding of reality that integrates the deepest insights of science and spirituality to create a new model of human identity – which makes the idea of the immortal soul intellectually credible.

Astral Guest – Tim Freke, author of Soul Story: Evolution and the Purpose of Life.

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Apr 10, 2017


The archonic influence on the cosmos is widely attested by Gnostics, past and present. But what went wrong and what can be done to break the bonds of these stellar lords and lords of our ego? How can the Powers of Light be accessed in an increasingly fragmented world? We deal with these issues in both metaphysical and psychological ways, drawing from the wisdom of ancient heretical mystics – and explore the nature of the universe, the spiritual and archetypal worlds, and the notions of life after death. In the end, we find solutions to breaking away from the bondage of the average and into the freedom of an individual higher calling.

Astral Guest— Scott Smith, author God Reconsidered.

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Apr 1, 2017

The volcanic personality of the Demiurge in the Old Testament is no secret, and we cover much of it. However, many overlook the reality that the Demiurge’s influence soaks the New Testament, even in many of the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ. We explore some of the questionable dogmas of the Bible that today influence Christianity and beyond, including prophecy, the Trinity, eternal damnation, and salvation by faith. Our guest also discusses his debate with Bart Ehrman at the last Mythinformation Conference, the latest revelations on Mythicism and Gnosticism, and how he became a heretic in the Atheist movement.

Astral Guest — Robert Price, author of Blaming Jesus for Jehovah: Rethinking the Righteousness of Christianity.

This is a partial show for our new model. For the second half of the interview, please become a member of our Archive of Past Shows. Members please go to the recent New & Complete Episodes section.

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Mar 23, 2017

Throughout history the Gnostics were accused of being dualists: those who saw the universe and mankind itself split between light and darkness, body and spirit. Were their enemies right, or did Gnosticism, as usual, buck any theological trend that adds to their uniqueness? We explore Gnostic Dualism through time and belief, adding yet to the enigma that is the Gnostic worldview. We also delve into other Gnostic theologies such as syncretism, mysticism, and more, and how they manifested across history — from the Valentinians to William Blake, from the Sethians to the Sufis — all to gain a comprehensive understanding of this forbidden faith and its dangerous spiritual tech known as Gnosis. And how it can help us today in this reality that is one big Fake News.

Astral Guest--Sean Martin, author of The Gnostics: The First Christian Heretics

Sean will be this week in our Inner Sanctum of Gnosis group to answer your questions. To join, simply subscribe to our Archive of Past Shows for more than 350 episodes you won't find anywhere else and other bonus content.

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Mar 16, 2017

We take an alchemical examination of several classic texts in a search for hidden layers of meaning. These meanings are unlocked through a series of easy to follow steps, using a variety of steganographic and cryptographic techniques — as well as the insights of Gurdjieff and the Tao Te Ching. The message in fairy tales, Gnostic & Christian Gospels, and the works of Plato contain actual, undeniable information encoded into the texts ages ago. Their existence challenges everything we thought we knew about these texts, including our basic understanding of the Bible itself.

Astral Guest – Timothy Lambert, author of The Gnostic Notebook: Volume One: On Memory Systems and Fairy Tales


Tim will be answering questions on this show at our private Inner Sanctum of Gnosis Facebook group. You can join by becoming a member of our Archive of Past Shows, where you get access to more than 350 shows, as well as other exclusive content. Please join and see this as a way of keeping this Red Pill Cafeteria open. I can't do it without you.

Mar 9, 2017

The Gnostic revival has ignited a resurgence of Gnostic Churches (and many misconceptions about them). One of the brightest flames is the Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum, also known as the Gnostic Sanctuary — a place where spiritual pilgrims of all stripes can seek solace and nourishment for the soul. The church’s bishop has dedicated her life to the spread of religious individuality as well as the physical assistance to the downtrodden and sick. We take a voyage into this remarkable oasis and the true meaning of Gnostic sacraments, rituals and liturgy. We also focus on the exemplary and visionary life of the Gnostic Sanctuary’s Bishop, from her discovery of Gnosis to her commitment to shining the knowledge of the heart in the darkness of mere being. And we take a deeper look into the unique meaning and truth of Gnosis itself.

Astral Guest — Rosamonde Miller, Bishop of the Ecclesia Gnostica Mysteriorum and contributor to The Allure of Gnosticism: The Gnostic Experience in Jungian Philosophy and Contemporary

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Mar 1, 2017

Despite abundant scholarship and debate, new research points that most of academia might have missed crucial revelations in the Gospel of Judas. This research reveals an even more enigmatic but profound Judas, especially when his gospel is related to Nag Hammadi texts like the Apocalypse of Peter or writings based on James the Just. We mine these gospels for startling insights that also provide the reality behind the canonical gospels and the arcane origins of both Gnosticism and Christianity. This all leads to a secret transmission of mystic knowledge that goes back to the beginnings of civilizations across the world.

Astral Guest — Robert Wahler, author of Misreading Judas.

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Feb 16, 2017

An accepted but misunderstood Christian theology is Christ’s descent into the underworld. We mine this essential tenant, seeing how the Bible, church fathers, and early Christian communities viewed what happened between the death and resurrection of Jesus. And even further history: how did this doctrine was interpreted throughout time. Moreover, we understand the different concepts of the underworld like Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, Sheol, and Hell, from the perspectives of ancient Jews, Christians and Pagans – and how Jesus relates to other godmen who went into the underworld, like Hercules, Orpheus, and Gilgamesh.

Astral Guest—Justin Bass, author of The Battle for the Keys

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Feb 9, 2017

Dan Brown and the other Grail hunters got it all wrong. The Holy Grail was never a cup or a woman, but something both so ordinary and extraordinary most of the world missed it. Its location was never in Southern France (although Sauniere of Rennes-le-Chateau was involved with it), but in a Spanish town called Girona. Although it has been guarded for thousands of years by various groups, from the ancient Phoenicians to the present Kabbalists, hunted down by the early Catholic Church to Hitler himself, it is really no secret all (just ask the Catalonian population in that region!). Today the Holy Grail is available to anyone who wishes to visit Girona and dare a journey into the primordial secrets of the universe through a ritual practiced since the dawn of human civilization. In short, the Holy Grail is a portal that leads beyond the stars.

Astral Guest – Patrice Chaplin, author City of Secrets: One Woman’s True-life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend


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Feb 1, 2017

The Gnostic approach makes perfect sense in a world of crumbling institutions and where all of reality seems like fake news. We approach modern Gnosticism with the sensibility of spiritual warfare, armed with reason, science, and mysticism – with a unique viewpoint on reincarnation, DNA, and practical Occultism. This includes some intriguing research on a primordial homeland of the first Gnostics and the essence of Freemasonry. In the end, we find common ground with the Gnosis of the ancient Gnostics and the Gnosis of those who break away from the suppressing forces of modern orthodoxy.

Astral Guest—Moe Bedard, author of The Order of the Gnostics

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Jan 23, 2017

The reality is that without the Gnostic spark we might have never had the Renaissance. Without the Gnostic spark, the Enlightenment Period would have been half as bright. Without the Gnostic spark, we would have been robbed of some of the greatest thinkers, poets and mystics of all of history. We take a hard look at the Gnostic legacy in history, as well as understand the spanning concept of Gnosis.

Astral guest — Richard Smoley, author of Forbidden Faith: The Gnostic Legacy

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Jan 13, 2017

A new book details the extraordinary experiences of physicians in their daily work. These personal events include NDA, apparitions, out-of-body experiences, synchronicities, prescient dreams, and much more – often resulting in the saving of lives and transforming individuals. We take an intimate look at these amazing accounts, finding the techniques that could transform our own lives that include Native American mysticism, dream work, transcendent prayers, active imagination, and more.

Astral Guest—Dr. Scott J. Kolbaba, author of Physician’s Untold Stories.

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Jan 4, 2017

In the 19th century, a French occult movement flourished in Paris that forever transformed the landscape of esoteric spirituality. Without it, there might have not been a Golden Dawn or Theosophy. Beyond that, France has always been a hotbed of heretical religion. We journey into the ideas and impact of French Occultism, from Eliphas Levi to Papias, from the resurgence of Freemasonry to the renewal of the Rosicrucians, and everything in between. Furthermore, we understand the French Gnostic Church revival that set the foundation for both women and human rights in modern times.

Astral Guest—Tobias Churton, author of Occult Paris.

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Jan 4, 2017

A follow up of The Kabbalah and the Cosmos. Howard Smith returns to field questions from listeners about such controversial topics as Evolution vs. Intelligent Design, String Theory, the Oscillating Universe vs. an expanding one, and many other topics. Once again, it’s a show to understand how the mystical and the scientific go hand in hand in understand humanity and its places in a large cosmos.

Astral Guests – Howard Smith, author of Let There Be Light: Modern Cosmology & The Kabbalah

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Jan 4, 2017

Our Holiday Special! And in a not-so odd way, Scientology mirrors the materialistic rave that is the Holiday Season, as well as the American Dream gone mad. Our guest relates his activist work against a religion that still holds sway in parts of the world and still ruins so many souls. We also discuss the history of Scientology, including the parallels of L. Ron Hubbard’s ideology and today’s political atmosphere. Lastly, we discover if perhaps Scientology might rise again into an orthodox machine like it was 20 years ago, and what this might mean for society.

Astral Guest—Angry Gay Pope

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Jan 4, 2017

Our extroverted society has vilified and made humanity incapable of dealing with the important state of being called loneliness. Social media and mass media have made us more isolated to one another, eroded our sense of real community, and robbed of us of the coping skills to handle those sacred times of inner contemplation. Great masters and artists in the past gained their Gnosis through understanding the opportunities of revelatory loneliness; but this ability is slowly vanishing under the chatter of a noisy world impeding us to glance inwardly or at the deeper sources of our being. We bring light to this dark shadow that is eroding the collective consciousness and hiding our access to the collective unconsciousness. We explore the philosophies, psychologies, and theologies that championed the holy temple of loneliness. We take example from past luminaries who found great truths and unified humanity in their voyages into the oasis of loneliness. We learn that even while in solitude we are never truly alone, and never will be.

Astral Guest—Brendan Myers, author of Loneliness and Revelation

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Jan 4, 2017

Beneath the Orthodox narratives lies the true identity of Jesus Christ. In reality, he was a Samaritan magician who brought a mystical dispensation that made humans divine on earth. His name was Simon Magus. This revelation is supported by the Gnostic texts that also expose the arcane rituals of a movement possibly originating with John the Baptist—and as well supported by historical records such as the writings of Josephus and others. We mine the New Testament, Nag Hammadi library and edited history to find the life and fate of a spiritual Messiah. And why Simon’s message was so radical the Jews, Christians and Romans of his time had to censor and instead give the world a sanitized savior for crowd control.

Astral Guest—John Munter, author of The Samaritan Jesus.

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Jan 4, 2017

The Gospel of Thomas remains one of the most popular and approachable alternative writings of early Christianity. Within this apocryphal text, though, are found mystic layers that connect to other Gnostic Gospels and the wisdom of arcane masters—including some startling truths about the Archons, the Demiurge, the nature of reality, and the origins of the universe. We mine for these secrets that grant us answers to humankind’s destiny. Our guest also relates his personal journey from a materialist to a mature Gnostic that included guidance from entities the world does not know.

Astral Guest—Frank Divita, author of Voice of the Angel

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Jan 4, 2017

Not only might have he given you fits in your high school geometry class, this mysterious figure coined the word philosophy, was initiated in the Orphic & Egyptian Mysteries, understood the universe as a harmony of music, math and magic, and founded perhaps the first egalitarian, ascetic cadre of freethinkers in the West. He influenced most of the greatest philosophers of Greece including Plato. Whether in history and in legendry, this man is the grandfather of most esoteric schools of thought our culture. You know him simply as Pythagoras.

Astral Guest: Charles H. Kahn., author of Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans: A Brief History and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Jan 4, 2017

Despite its ancient pedigree and phantasm presence, Gnosticism can be applied to our modern times, even in everyday life. Gnosticism was always meant to be a living religion, or at least an active philosophy to combat the madness of changing civilizations. Our guest proposes a “middle path” of Gnostic mores and attitudes that can help us navigate the current political, economic and religious systems that seem to be stranded in an archonic mindset. There must be some way out of here, said the Joker to the Thief. Until then, you can get some relief in the daily grind of the 21st century.

Astral Guest—Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered

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